Wednesday, April 11, 2007

2007 Eden Charity Food Fair

Dear Friends,

I'm putting forth a helping hand to the needy ones at Eden Handicap Center. Eden is a non-profit organisation set up in 1991 with the mission of providing the disabled the dignity to lead self-sufficient lives in the sight of God.

I've had the privilege of meeting up with the General Manager of Eden, Bertie & his kind hearted wife, Madelene on April 11, 2007 & they provide me an insights to the journey that they have gone through together till this very day for the past 16 years since Eden's inception.

Many of us have the heart to extend a helping hand to the needy but not having the know-how. Some of us are reluctant because we don't have others to join us in this good cause (we don't want to be doing this alone), while some will contribute cash on a periodically basis (bless you...).

As for myself, I'm doing what's within my capability in terms of volunteering my commitment & passion; both financial & non-financial means to reach out to them. And I would like to invite all of my friends to join in this good cause.

On this coming 9 June 2007, Saturday, Eden will be holding a Charity Food Fair at Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang, Penang from 10.00am - 3.00pm. I've give my words to both Bertie & Madelene that I will support them in the sales of coupons for the food fair. Each booklet is priced at RM20 only (that's half a jug of beer for you party animals out there). It is alright if you can't make it to the food fair on 9 June. That will not stop you from lending a hand right? Here's what you can do. Let me know that you want to contribute & I will reserve the booklets for you. And if you can't make it, I'll hand the coupons to those less fortunate ones that will represent you. This way, you are doing two good deeds & charity in one single event. God bless you...

Do let me know if you want to contribute in one way or another. I can always hook you up to the center. And if you are interested to contribute to the sales of tickets, please drop me a line at

Come on now my dear friends...Lend a hand, please!

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